Monday, February 27, 2012

The American Dream...becoming more and more unattainable?

Ok, before I get into this post I'd like to point out that this reflects my views, and my views only, if you dont like it feel free to simply step off my blog and not return :)

All I ever hear about is the "American Dream"....I hear about it now, and I've heard about it for my entire life. Ok, first off, what exactly is the American Dream? For me, its owning a house and a car you love, being happily married, having a career, and not being in debt. Thats my "American Dream". Simple enough right?...WRONG. This painted picture of the American Dream is becoming harder, and harder to achieve these days, at least in My opinion.

It used to be that America was the land of opportunity. I've been taught throughout my educational career of people coming here to seek a better life for their family. While this is still very much the case, I think that it is straying farther and farther away from what People once came here for. While people are still able to prosper, it isnt as easy as it was once portrayed.

Take education for example. As a kid, it is shoved down your throat that education is one of the most important things there is. If you do nothing else in life, at LEAST get a good education. After all, today's children are tomorow's leaders and the future of our nation. A good education is painted to look like it sets you up for life afterwards, where you will make endless amounts of money, and be able to afford fancy things and have the world at your fingertips. While I do agree that an education is highly important....I think less time should be spent shoving it down our throat, and more time spent making it affordable. I have every intention on going to school and becoming a functional member of society, however I can barely afford the gas it takes to drive to school, let alone the admission fees, and books. If our Nation's future is dependant upon the nation's youth...who need an education to be successful...why isnt SOMEONE doing something to make it more accessable? Riddle me that Barrack Obama.

American people are facing a higher and higher rate of unemployment. With my skill level at age 19, Im designed for an entry level position, or a customer service type position low on the pole so to speak. Its becoming harder and harder for me to even get an interview, becase I'm competing with Over Qualified indeviduals who need to feed families. Something wrong with this picture? I think so! A lot of good their education is doing them now...right?

With no jobs, and no money (Thank you soaring Gas prices! As if its not bad enough I get 9 miles to the Gallon, now I can pay more for those 9 miles!) how is it even possible to attain this so called American Dream? It is still possible, but becoming less common these days it seems. Makes me wonder where I will be in 20 years if our country continues the way its headed now.